How often do you say you are going to deliver something to someone, only to end up getting it to them late or not delivering what you promised at all?
When was the last time you showed up late to a meeting, or missed one altogether?
Do people wanting to speak with you have to leave you numerous voicemails and email messages, which you never respond to?
Have you ever joined a conference call in-progress or missed it completely?
When you are working on a project in a team do you often hold up the others by missing key deadlines?
When you are working on a project in a team do you often hold up the others by missing key deadlines?
Be honest. Did you find answer these questions with an emphatic YES?
If so, you can bet that you have burned bridges with your social and professional contacts, by creating A LOT of ill will. You are not the only one with tremendous time constraints these days. We all struggle to balance home and work life commitments. Many people are juggling not only their own jobs, but the jobs they inherited when their company laid off their peers and pushed the work onto them.
So everyone is running at 150mph. It’s time you thought about scaling back your commitments and focus on a more professional commitment to your key work and social relationships. Re-establish your high standards of professionalism, by exhibiting more courtesy and respect in your dealings with others.
Perhaps you have joined too many organizations. Start by scaling back your networking efforts.
Then, rethink all of the cross-functional Teams you joined at work. Maybe it is time to scale back some of the extra-curricular activities you committed to in your community?
The last thing you want is the reputation for being a flake, known for making false promises and not being trustworthy in your dealings with others. If that is the perception others have of you, it doesn’t matter whether it is just or unjust.
You need to begin working VERY hard to re-establish your personal brand. Build up your reputation for being someone that others can count on. Treat others with the highest level of respect that you would hope to receive. It’s an investment worth making.
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